What is it? Blank was created based off the D&AD New Blood brief that was partnered with Hasbro. Blank is a new card game that combines concepts from mad libs and cards against humanity. A judge is picked for the first round, then the judge role will cycle around to all players in a clockwise motion. When the judge rolls the die, which doubles as the box for the cards, whichever face of the die is upright is the sentence structure that would be used for that round. Players will choose from their cards to fill in the sentence blanks.Then the judge will choose a winner. The winner will then receive the prompt card. Whoever gets seven prompt cards is the game winner.
When? Created 2016.
Who wants it? The audience for Blank would be millennial.
Where would it be sold? The game Blank could be sold at superstores, or toy stores.
Why would someone want to play? Blank has all the nasty fun of cards against humanity however, it requires more thought, and it constantly changing because the die determines the sentence structure.

Blank was created by the design team below. (The Blank game can be seen in my hand.)
Starting from the left: Sara Lerum created the lid of the box. Jesse Cook created the logo type. Alyssa Smith created the box/dice. Amanda Nelson created the prompt cards. Adam created the playing cards and the characters. Though we each had our own responsibility we all helped with concept creation and testing. We truly worked together to bring one cohesive idea to life.